
INEVITABLE- adj., things or situations that cannot be avoided.

FATE- vb, turn out in a particular way; destined to happen

PREDICTABLE- adj, able to predict

In our entire life, there are things that are inevitable. But there are also things that can control, that we can predict, or knows what will happen next.

I had a nightmare for the past few days. It really happened but i wish it’s just a dream that can totally forget after a couple of hours. I never imagined myself getting involved to a problem that i thought it’s not existing in my vocabulary. I am not aware that i am part of this. It’s nothing serious on our part(including our other friends),  but it has a great impact to our friend. It’s just a misunderstanding between two parties, but it happened that our friend is involved that is why we need to back up her. 🙂

After a long talk, we were  Relieved .

Everything was settled down

My point is, whatever is the scenario, either, it is by fate or act according to our will,

there’s is no such thing to describe the feeling of relieved, when you have friends and families at your back that console you, and will never abandon you at the hardest time of your life. 🙂




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